Relationship Selling: Creating Value for Customers

3 credits


Agribusiness Management
College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

A sales focus will help students improve their career options for positions in sales and customer service. Students completing the class are provided with real world experience from the instructor and frequent interaction with industry sales professionals. This class focuses on person-to-person relationship building practices that contribute to the success of an individual who works on any sales team. Students learn to: assess complex product and competitive information, flex their curiosity muscle by probing for information; problem solve by selecting a value driven solution strategy that fits the uncovered customer situation, and finally, provide outstanding customer service after the sale. Role playing provides an opportunity for students to simulate what it is like to work in the field and identify different personalities who can excel in it. This class focuses on developing multiple skills needed for value added selling in a business-to-business environment. Prerequisites: ABM 1041 or ABM 1042 or ECONOM 1014 or ECONOM 1015 and sophomore standing.