Sustainability Foundations: An Introduction to Sustainability – Honors

3 credits


Biological Engineering
College of Engineering

(same as ENV_SC 2600H). This course introduces fundamental concepts of sustainability from sustainable development to sustainability science. It focuses on human-environment systems, the characteristics of these systems, and patterns of change. Course materials interrogate taken-for-granted assumptions that shape human relationships with the natural world. You will learn to identify common dynamics leading to social and environmental problems with the aim of identifying alternative actions (solutions) for transitioning towards sustainability. Sustainability integrates the social and biophysical sciences; and implementing solutions requires the integration of the social justice, the arts, and humanities. Through a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives and frameworks, you will learn about current sustainability research and be able to develop an understanding of what sustainability means to you and your field of study. Graded on A-F basis only. Prerequisites: sophomore standing. Honors eligibility required