Digital Storytelling Production I

3 credits


Digital Storytelling-Visual S
College of Arts and Science

(same as ENGLSH 2880, COMMUN 2880). Digital Storytelling Production I teaches agility with digital video technology through applied experiences. Assignments in digital video production emphasize how video narratives are created and how images and audio enhance the structure, mood, and theme of the narrative. Instruction will focus on planning a video production and developing the tools and practices in lighting, sound recording, image capturing, and editing. Graded on A-F basis only. Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early registration.


Only one of this type of Humanities and/or Fine Arts courses may be applied towards meeting the Humanities and/or Fine Arts General Education Distribution of Content requirement.