3 credits
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
School of Health Professions
(cross-leveled with SLHS 7850). This course is intended to establish an understanding of bilingual language processing and of the consequences of bilingualism on cognition. The course begins by reviewing the individual differences that modulate language processing in monolinguals and the factors that predict good second language learning outcomes in adults. This sets up the stage of an in-depth discussion of the ways in which second language proficiency changes the dynamics of language production and comprehension, as well as the cognitive performance across the lifespan. Students will be introduced to theories and models of bilingual language processing and will learn to evaluate evidence for and against the bilingual advantage and the benefits of bilingualism in healthy aging and recovery from acquired language deficits, such as aphasia. Students will also learn to identify patterns of language performance that distinguish bilinguals from monolinguals and from individuals with language disorders. Graded on A-F basis only. Recommended: Junior or Senior standing.
Can only count for one of these categories.