Elementary Spanish II – Honors

4 credits


College of Arts and Science

This course, designed for students who have taken SPAN 1100 or an equivalent course and enrolled in the Honors College, offers an introduction to the Spanish language and the many cultures in encompasses. Your course work will allow you to develop all four language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing along with the cultural background necessary to help you to communicate effectively in Spanish. With the honors designation section, the course will allow students to access greater challenges in the existing thematic units in the curriculum through group discussion, creative projects and authentic situations. Graded on A-F basis only. Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required.

errorThis course counts towards fulfillment of the Humanities and/or Fine Arts Distribution of Content requirement.

Students subject to the General Education requirements in a catalog version earlier than 2019 Fall: Only students in CAFNR, Engineering, SHP, and Nursing, and students in degrees formerly in HES, may use this course tofulfillment of the Humanities and/or Fine Arts Distribution of Content requirement, and only if the entire 12-13 hour elementary language sequence is completed.