Intermediate Spanish Composition and Conversation – Honors

3 credits


College of Arts and Science

This class is fundamentally different from other 2160 classes in that it focuses on the application and refinement of grammatical concepts through the introduction of new vocabulary and cultural topics. In this course it is assumed that students have mastered the vocabulary and grammatical concepts taught in the elementary levels. Throughout the semester students enrolling in Spanish 2160 for Honors credit will write a series of essays on current and past events, as well as literary analysis utilizing the grammar and material learned in learned in class. The goal is to strengthen their communicative and written skills while allowing them to be creative and engage in research. Prerequisites: SPAN 2100 or equivalent from any other institution. Honors eligibility required.

errorThis course counts towards fulfillment of the Humanities and/or Fine Arts Distribution of Content requirement.

Students subject to the General Education requirements in a catalog version earlier than 2019 Fall: Only students in CAFNR, Engineering, SHP, and Nursing, and students in degrees formerly in HES, may use this course tofulfillment of the Humanities and/or Fine Arts Distribution of Content requirement, and only if the entire 12-13 hour elementary language sequence is completed.