3 credits
Natural Resources
College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
(same as ENV_SC 4024; cross-leveled with NAT_R 7024). This course provides a theoretical foundation to environmental education (EE). The purpose of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills for developing quality, age-appropriate EE for students in both formal and non-formal education setting. The emphasis is on EE curriculum materials, resources, and programs that can be used with students in settings at classrooms, nature centers, museums, and parks. This course involves training in the Missouri Department of Conservation Discover Nature School educational materials, and in observing and teaching EE lessons in a local nature center. Graded on A-F basis only. Prerequisites: ENV_SC 1100 or Instructor’s consent. Recommended: BIO_SC 1010 or NAT_R 1060 or NAT_R 1070 or NAT_R 2160.