5 credits
Veterinary Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
This course, which is designed for microbiology or life sciences majors, provides an overview of the classification, structure, metabolism, genetics, and isolation and identification of the principal groups of bacteria. Additional topics to be covered include an introduction to viruses, protozoa, and fungi, the nature of infectious diseases, and the immune response. The course includes both lecture and laboratory. The laboratory component of the course is intended to provide students with a broad background in microbiology laboratory practice and theory. Students will learn fundamentals of light microscopy, bacterial culture techniques, and methods to isolate and identify microorganisms. Other laboratory testing platforms, such as PCR and ELISA, will be covered. The laboratory will meet for two hours, twice a week. Graded on A-F basis only. Recommended: BIO_SC 1500 or equivalent.